推广 热搜: 手表  2023  绿水鬼手表 


   日期:2023-11-16     浏览:0    
[腕表知识] 今天给大家分享国外专业网站对北京立体陀飞轮的测评及看法要如何寻找,这个表要怎么了解比较合适?   为了便于友看帖,活跃本版氛围,现在将钟表茶馆的部分内容分别发帖,谢谢表友观看。   国外对厂无极陀飞轮的测评。   我们平时看到的听到的多是表厂自己的宣传,还有国内媒体的正面评价,和赞扬以及不够专业的评论。   此时看看国外使用什么样的目光来看国产高端,他们得到了什么样的结论,文中对中国制表业的一些看法和言辞虽然激烈但也属实。这样的评论也许更客观,更公正,更真实,更理性。   我们不妄自菲薄,也不骄傲自大,面对赞扬要保持冷静,面对疑问和鄙夷更要虚心,踏实的从基础做起。   英文不好的表友(比如我)用百度或者谷歌的翻译功能完全可以看懂这篇文章。   Beijing Watch Factory Wu Ji “Infinite Universe” Bi-Axial Watch Hands-On   Chinese watchmaking is nothing new, nor is it unsophisticated All of this is evidenced by the 23 Wu Ji watch by the Beijing Watch Factory "Wu Ji" apparently translates from Mandarin to "Infinite Universe" in English, a lofty title typical of Chinese naming practices That said, the Beijing Watch Factory should be proud once again they've broken ground for their 有的人一旦有钱,就会给自己选择一款奢侈腕表来附庸风雅,一块金光闪闪的奢华腕表,让我们感到十分的骄傲。但是有的人在选择腕表的时候,不会因为自己的钱多而去选择奢华腕表,而是进行认真比对和选择,选择一些符合自己兴趣爱好的优雅腕表,腕表是否奢华,已经不是那么重要了,最重要的是适合自己。我们的手表就如同我们的宠物一般,时时刻刻都离不开我们。我们的手表也如同我们的密友一般,无时无刻都在为我们提供计时服务。我们的手表也如同时尚大师一般,时时刻刻在帮我们展示时尚。腕表闪烁之时,我们也是展示自己的最佳时刻。 country by producing what they claim is the most complicated watch produced on mainland China What impressee more is the brand itself, and their rather atypically refined sense of composure   China isn't known for creative watch design China is known for production, copying, and diligence - which applies to their own watch industry as well From a production and consumption standpoint, China is the most important place in the world for watches All but the most exclusive of Swiss watch brands rely heavily on China for the production of watch parts - such as cases and straps - even when they contain "Swisade" movements Native Chinese brands are neverthelesarred by national qualities which oppose many of the qualities that allow for beautiful watchmaking Ask the Swiss how they make watches and they use the term "slow" and "careful" a lot China's industrial power comes from the fact that they aren't slow and often not careful So why do we expect them to make good watches the Swiss way? The simple answer is that they don't   Although, these generalities aren't rules Not all Chinese watches exhibit confusing and awkward designs that that woefully seek to emulate European aesthetics There are, however, excellent examples of Chinese watchmakers who emulate the Swiss rather well This is both the strength and weakness of the Chinese watch industry To be considered "good" by traditional standards, they need to still copy the West To be bad, they need only to copy poorly No matter what China is still copying, my hope at least - and there are positive signs of this - is that with China's serious and sincere love of watches we will eventually see unique design in both the outside and inside of their domestically made watches   While there are many elements of Swiss watch design seen in the Wu Ji, it is a pleasantly original and interesting timepiece While elements such as overall aesthetic in many of Beijing Watch Factory's designs are inherently European, they do however take many artistic liberties in producing unique products The Wu Ji is a glowing and ambitious example of what they can produce Even though Chinese watch manufacturing is huge, those that can produce credible watches are still limited and few watch lovers would claim that Chinese-made mechanical movements are excellent I am not an expert on all Chinese movements, but I do know that most of them are copies of Swisovements The mechanism in the Infinite Universe clearly isn't While an inspection of the movement makes it clear that this is a Chinese creation, I found many of the unique elements quite interesting What I love about this watch is how the complications are much more than skin deep What you see is only half of what you get First and foremost, I'll explain how you even tell the time   It would be wrong to look at this watch dial and assume you can read the time as you would on most other round-dialed watches In fact only the upper half of the dial is used to read the time A shortened scale for all 12 hours is placed on the top half of the dial, and both the hour and minute hand have retrograde mechanisms that have them jump back to the starting point when necessary Thiakes the dial extremely confusing at first if you don't know what you are looking at I was playing with it to set the time and noticed the hands were jumping around wildly "Is the watch broken?" I wondered until I realized what I was seeing The large bi-axial tourbillon at the bottom of the dial is so tall that the watch maker decided he never wanted the hands to go over it The double retrograde system for the hour and minute hand is designed to prevent the hands from ever accidentally touching it The benefit is a watch with such a tourbillon system that does not require a "bubble" in the crystal At 172mm thick, the watch could certainly have been thicker   The tourbillon element of the Wu Ji is quite amusing What you have is a bi-axial tourbillon that is basically a smaller tourbillon inside of a larger tourbillon Then you have a traditional flying tourbillon as a separate element on the dial I've never before seen a watch with two different types of tourbillons on the dial It is interesting, to say the least The traditional tourbillon has a pleasant bird-shaped bridge which I enjoy In addition to the tourbillons and the unique time telling system, the Wu Ji watch also contains a retrograde date indicator as well as a power reserve indicator The manually wound movement holds just over 50 hours of power reserve On the rear of the watch is an additional complication; a moon phase indicator, with a blue enameled disc   Claimed accuracy for the caliber TB09 movement isn't bad Beijing Watch Factory says the Wu Ji is accurate to about plus or minus 10 seconds a day That isn't quite chronometric standards, but probably in line with many Swiss tourbillons Other Chinese movements can often be off by auch as a minute a day So all things being considered, 10 seconds a day for this type of complex movement is pretty good   What the watch cannot escape from is China's ubiquitous use of machine-decorated parts Timepieces of this quality in Switzerland exhibit a high level of hands-on attention Of course the Wu Ji was hand-assembled, but like its lower-priced brethren, it uses parts that have machine polishes Skilled watch lovers, for example, can always spot "Chinese Geneva stripes" as oppose to the more refined Cotes de Geneve lines on Swiss watches The Chinese watch industry has all the money and motivation to up their ante a bit when it comes to decoration, but it is possible it just isn't in their DNA Traditional Swiss watch making goes to great and careful lengths to ensure that movement aesthetics are perfect They use special woods to polish metals and age-old techniques that perhaps never quite made their way over to China The real culprit however is probably sheer time Watch movement decoration is the most time consuming part of high-end watch making To keep prices and production schedules reasonable, I simply don't think that China can handle the intense slowness of the Swiss   On the wrist, the Beijing Watch Factory Wu Ji is 44mm wide and sits large thanks to its wide lugs The case comes in either 18k rose gold or platinum The inspiration for the design is clearly Greubel Forsey-ish, but it looks decent and I am happy that it isn't just something simple and round Nothing like a boring perfectly round case to destroy an otherwise unique wearing experience The Infinite Universe is conservative, but has learned that boring isn't the same thing The level of uniquenesixed with traditional looks is an art that Europeans have learned well, and the Wu Ji is the latest to replicate that Does it succeed? It really depends on who you ask   Beijing Watch Factory has succeeded in impressing me - a lot It has also succeeding in producing something that is both unique and interesting, but is also the type of thing that even the most snobbish watch lovers will take notice of Complex Chinese watches are here and here to stay, and they are getting better each year Are they alternatives to the more expensive Swiss stock? Yes, but they aren't outright replacements Swiss watches will probably always beat Chinese watches when it comes to sheer refinement and attention to detail More and more I am convinced that this is caused by a fundamental difference in culture and values It isn't a matter of better or worse, but what goes into the production of tiny mechanical art Having said that, the Chinese will always beat the Swiss when it comes to price   What makes the high-end Chinese watch industry unique is that they are trying to provide something that the current culture is not set up to do as well as the Europeans, and to me that is an admirable feat In a huge way it is ironic as the Chinese are the post ardent appreciators of Swiss watch making craftsmanship Perhaps because it is so counter to their own culture's production values Pride however is strong in both cultures, and brands like the Beijing Watch Factory thrive on being able to be Chinese and be the best at what they do As it stands we will continue to watch as the Chinese develop new and interesting movements, and no longer consider them as a a mere novelty not worth the investment of real watch lover money And an investment the Wu Ji is Given the complexity the watch it is arguably well priced, but still lofty, going for between 460, - 520, Chinese Yuan That is about $75, - $85,
百万人收藏的手表知识大全,一篇带你脱离新手的腕表知识大全矩形比起方形表壳,矩形则常见很多,一般矩形表壳均为长度大于宽度的长方形,以更符合常规的佩戴及使用习惯。百万人收藏的手表知识大全,一篇带你脱离新手的腕表知识大全酒桶形表壳上下平行,两边具有弧度,类似一个酒桶的形状。酒桶形表壳被广泛认为更具现代设计感,RICHARD MILLE的绝大多数表款都采用了这一形状。百万人收藏的手表知识大全,一篇带你脱离新手的腕表知识大全椭圆形宝玑的那不勒斯王后系列采用了上下两端窄中间宽的椭圆形表款,而爱彼的千禧系列则相反,以左右两端窄中间宽的方式呈现了另一种椭圆形表壳。



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